Monday, September 14, 2009

R.I.P. Patrick Swayze 1952-2009

Within minutes of his passing, the keyboards of bloggers worldwide were clacking away with attempts at witty, kitschy ways to deliver this news-- Patrick Swayze has succumbed to pancreatic cancer.

Never quite an A-lister, Swayze made some decent movies (Roadhouse, Red Dawn, Ghost) and his fair share of junk (To Wong Foo, anyone?)

Of course his most famous role was that of Johny Castle in the classic 80's film Dirty Dancing. While not exactly my cup of tea, the film was an undeniable pop culture phenomenon.

However, all things considered, I think his most memorable piece of work came when he was the guest host of Saturday Night Live. The genius sketch is embedded below and, sadly features two guys that have now both passed on before their time.

Enjoy, in memoriam, the terrific Chippendales sketch.


Anonymous said...

you deride the trendy and kitschy, but you are doing the same, just somewhat more obscure

Jon said...

Anonymous, eh?

Calling this post derisive is more than stretching it a bit. I simply made mention of the cynical one-upmanship that I was seeing on some of the blogs that I read.

I get it-- his films were cheesy, he had a mullet and he was a dancer. But don't piss on my leg by feigning interest in his music career by saying that "She's like the Wind" is your wedding song or something. That's all.

And I was 100% genuine when I said that the Chippendales sketch was genius. It's up there with the best SNL of that decade.