Friday, August 10, 2007

5 movies that are grossly overrated

While I won't call this the "top 5" most overrated movies, these movies are certainly in the running. There are films that, for some reason, are just given a pass and what's more- they've gone on to become classics! Well, listed here are, in no particular order, 5 movies that need to be re-evaluated by society at-large because they are given just too much damn credit. Bear with me, this may be a rant...

1.) Scarface- Okay, now I know it's "cool" to like scarface. Every rapper has the posters, shirts, video games, etc. What I'm talking about is the film. As a film it is just not that good. As a matter of fact, I doubt all of the people wearing the shirts and hanging the posters have ever even sat through the entire film. They've heard "Say hello to my little friend" and "Cock-a-roach" enough times that they assume the movie is awesome. Ultimately it's the character of Tony Montana that is memorable, the rest of the film is downright forgettable.

2.) Ferris Bueller's Day Off- I'll admit it, I hate this movie. Comedy Central and TBS have both played it over and over until even the sight of it annoys me. It's just this generation's fascination with 80's nostalgia that has made this a "classic." Here is what I see when I look at this movie- Matthew Broderick is a jerk, his buddy with the Red Wings jersey is a crybaby and Jeffrey Jones (the Principal) is a pedophile. And the worst part of it all is that horrible sing-along at the end. Awful. Just awful.

3.) Boondock Saints- You know what, Troy Duffy? I saw Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, True Romance and whole host of other terrific indie crime films in the 90's. I'm guessing you did too, becuse you stole the best parts out of all of them and made a piecemeal, horseshit excuse for a film. If anyone is so inclined and would like to see a good film involving Mr. Duffy, rent "Overnight."

4.) Anchorman- This is another victim of the current "Random = Funny" phenomenon that has saturated the comedy marketplace, especially in anything involving Will Ferrell. A perfect example is the line- "San Diego. I believe it means Whale's Vagina." Is that funny? Really? And if so, can you tell me why, without using the words "random" or "out of nowhere"? I don't think you can. I don't want to have to force myself to laugh at a comedy because everyone else is. It just shouldn't be that hard.

5.) The Shawshank Redemption- That's right, I said it. "The Shawshank Redemption" is not nearly as good as it gets credit for being. It's a pretty good movie. Hell- it's a great movie! But ask 25 people on the street what there favorite movie is and I bet 15 of them give this as their answer. It's just too easy. Not to mention the script has voiceover throughout the entire story- come on, that's just cheating. It's number 2 on the top 250 list on IMDB, way ahead of films like "The Maltese Falcon", "Citizen Kane" and "The Third Man". Now that's just bush. It's bush-league.

Honorable Mention

The Usual Suspects-
I included this one because anyone who tells you it's really good has probably only seen it one time. If you watch it a second time, knowing the big surprise ending, it simply isn't that entertaining.

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