Now that Blu-ray has become the next generation of home video, I've jumped on and started grabbing Blu-Ray discs here and there. Ebay has been very good to me. I've gotten a bunch of flicks really cheap-- you just have to look hard. Now, I haven't actually pulled the trigger and bought a player yet-- I have too much work to do to invest in that big of a distraction right now. But soon, my friends, very soon.
Anyhow, there are a few releases that are coming out this summer that I consider to be must haves for my collection. Here are a few-- Agree?

Gangs of New York"-- July 1st - I still feel that this film will prove to be one of Scorsese's classics. It wasn't heralded as such when it was first released, but you just wait. This is one Blu-Ray that I really want to get. It's epic and-- forgetting the awful performance by Cameron Diaz-- the film is a masterpiece. Seriously, Cameron Diaz? Anyway, it will look great in high def-- it's just too bad they kept that abomination of a front cover. Boo-hiss.

2.) "
Dark City"-- July 29th - Speaking of a film that wasn't given a fair shake theatrically... Alex Proyas (Director of "The Crow" and "I, Robot") directed this film, which pre-dated "The Matrix", and had some very similar themes. It's coming out this July in a special, high def edition. I cannot wait to check this out. This is the best High Def sci-fi release since "Blade Runner." High hopes for this one, high hopes. If you haven;t ever seen this one, make sure you do when this release comes out-- the previous DVD release is a bit lackluster.

3.) "
The Nightmare Before Christmas" -- August 26th - I was so excited to hear that this was being released in High Def. I have the dvd, and it's a good transfer-- but in High Def? That's going to be awesome. This release also comes with new features, previously unavailable on the other versions. Good stuff. Not much more to say, other than this one is a no-brainer.
Man, I hate the term "no-brainer."
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