Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Pick # 3 "Mickey's Christmas Carol"

Well, due to the sheer amount of Holiday related goings on lately, I haven't blogged in a bit. However, I feel compelled to still share the final of my Christmas picks-- "Mickey's Christmas Carol." This is one of the Holiday specials that seem to have dropped off in popularity since I was a kid. This used to be shown every year, much like the Rudolph and Frosty cartoons, but when I asked my nieces if they had ever seen it they said no. I rectified that during a night of pre-holiday babysitting and they loved it. It's got a lot going for it-- Scrooge McDuck is a great Disney character who is rarely used, and it was produced in 1983, so it's an honest-to-God hand animated movie! None of the CG crap that floods the animation market these days.

So, here it is-- A few days late, but still a great movie. And what I've posted is the entire film (about 25 minutes) so If you haven't ever seen it you can watch it in entirety right here. Just make sure you watch it before Disney sends a letter threatening the lives of my family if I don't remove it from my site. Merry Christmas!

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