Friday, July 27, 2007

DVD Review "The Host"

Let me start by saying this- If you have absolutely no experience with asian films in general, bear in mind that their style of acting is, for the most part, somewhat more detached from reality than the acting in American films. Slightly... hammy is how I want to put it.
Now... on to the film.
"The Host" is a monster movie. Like the many "Godzilla" films from years before, a large monster of fairly unknown origin wreaks havoc on a Korean city- People scream, panic ensues, etc etc etc....
The interesting aspect of this film is it's strong emphasis on family. The story revolves around a father whose daughter has been taken by the monster in question. This even leads to his family, who barely get along, getting together and working toward a common goal- the missing girl, Hyun-seo. This family dynamic is almost as important to this film as the monster itself.
The monster in this film was a freak mutation, brought into being by a careless American doctor on an Army base. I mention this because the film does indeed have a slight tinge of anti-American, more accurately anti-government sentiment. Basically, the government uses the crisis caused by the monster against it's oen people. However, that is a discussion for a different blog post, sure to be coming soon.
All in all, this film was vary fun. In fact it's the most fun I've had watching a popcorn munching monster movie since the first time I saw "Jurassic Park".
I should also mention that by today's standards of what constitutes a horror movie (i.e.- blood, guts, so-called "torture porn"), it was refreshing to watch a movie that did not revel in gore, and actually packed a few good frights that I wouldn't hesitate to watch with my neices and nephew.
My Rating- 3.5 out of 5

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Heh the Host was a good flick, it ended being the Opening Night movie at the 2006 Anchorage Film Festival.

Look forward to hearing how things are going Rockstar.

Josh Gamez