Monday, April 7, 2008

Is it safe?

More unfortunate news today. Over the weekend I developed one hell of a toothache, and today I was privy to one of the more barbaric medical procedures I've ever seen-- having a tooth pulled. Somehow I imagined it wouldn't be as bad as it sounds-- and in a way it wasn't. It didn't hurt, and was over relatively quickly. However, the fact remains that the procedure involves gripping a tooth with a pair of glorified pliers and wrenching the tooth back and forth until it's ripped loose. Sorry to be graphic, but hey-- that's life.

So now, I'm home preparing to continue my marathon of DVD watching. So far I've watched:

"Arrested Development" Season 2
"The Thing" (HD-DVD)
"The Fountain"
"Fright Night"
"The Killing Lens"
"The Breed"

And today I'll be catching up with "I Am Legend."

So, in honor of my unfortunate experience this weekend, I present to you, the "Is it safe?" scene from "Marathon Man." If you don't know what that is, just give it a watch. Enjoy.

P.S.-- Percocet is a truly magical medicine.

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