Saturday, March 22, 2008

Lost Season 4, Episode 8: "Meet Kevin Johnson"

So, there we have it-- "Lost" is back on hiatus for another month. Damn that writer's strike! Anyway, at least last night's episode was a pretty good one to go out on. Here are my thoughts...

1.) This is a pretty dark route they are taking Michael down. and I must say-- I like it. I think it was pretty ballsy to have him actually try to kill himself-- twice! I had forgotten that he had killed Libby and Ana Lucia-- so I predict his character arc will be that he'll be able to "redeem" himself by helping those on the island, and in doing so he will end up dying. Naratively speaking, when a character has done bad things to innocent people (Libby), regardless of extenuating circumstances, they are rarely redeemed. (See "Road to Perdition")

2.) Mr. Friendly (Tom) is gay. I mean, this is something that was hinted at way back when the others first captured Kate, but I had always assumed a more ominous undertone to his "You're not my type" comment-- as in, maybe humans weren't his type, or something crazy like that. But, it turns out he's just into dudes. I must say that this does smack of tokenism-- now there is a "gay" character on "Lost" -- whoopty-doo.

3.) The idea of Widmore staging the plane crash is cool. But, if it's as hard to accomplish as Tom makes it out to be, how would Widmore have done it with nobody knowing about it? I think Widmore himself needs to be brought into the plot of the next few episodes to clarify some things. And where is Penny during all of this?

4.) Sayid's big outing of Michael as a traitor will have no effect-- I believe the Captain is complicit in it. Maybe Michael doesn't know that yet, but that has to be where this is headed.

5.) Where as the concept of "Jacob" gone? I mean, Locke has had Ben captive for some time now, don't you think he would hold his feet over the proverbial flame to find out exactly who/what Jacob is? This has nothing to do with this episode in particular, but come on already!

Well, if we HAD to take a break from "Lost", this was at least a good way to keep me wanting more. There are lots of unanswered questions, and April 24th can't come soon enough for me. I've DVR'ed every episode so far, so I think I may go back and watch some of them. If anything new pops up, I'll post a little episode recap redux.

So, until April 25th....

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