Saturday, February 16, 2008

Lost Season 4, Episode 3: "The Economist"

This week's episode was okay. Here is what I took away from it--

1.) Sayid is one of the "Oceanic 6." That's weird. I thought for sure I knew who they were going to be. I was wrong.

2.) I have to say-- some of the story is getting a little convoluted. When I saw that Sayid was "working" for Ben I immediately thought, "Christ, I hope they've got this all thought out." I don't know-- I hate to sound like one of the detractors, but I would like a few answers every now and again.

3.) The way Sayid's hair looked when he showed up for that date was ridiculous. He looked like a bearded woman. With those lustrous locks, he could be doing Pantene commercials-- no joke.

4.) I don't like the whole Locke's group vs. Jack's group storyline. I don't think it's working, mainly because of things like Sawyer holding Kate captive in that bedroom. Everything we've learned about Sawyer would lead me to believe that he would tell Locke to eat shit before he went against Kate. It just didn't seem to work for me.

5.) The promo clip for net week's show was bad. Usually ABC sells the next episode like it's the best thing we'll ever see. The commercial for next week's show was just very bland.

From what I've read, the 6th episode this season will be a so-called "world-changer" (that is, the world of Lost and the island). So I guess that is something to look forward to.

We'll see...

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