Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Why'd I buy that?

This is the first in what will surely be a series of posts about the many DVD's that are in my collection for which I have no defense. Maybe it was a cheap 3-for-$10 at Blockbuster, or maybe I had some extra cash that I wanted to burn, but there are just a few titles that every time I see them I ask myself, "Why did I buy that?" Hell, with the ever ballooning size of my DVD collection (about 650 now), I guess by the law of averages I'm bound to own a few bombs, right?

The first entry is the 2007 Michael Bay clunker "Transformers."

I own this film, and what's worse-- I purchased it sight unseen. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I figured it had to be a decent popcorn film, and it's got really spiffy DVD art, to boot. Hell, picking it up for only $18-- I figured I'd gotten a deal. I figured wrong. The film is a boring mish-mash of bad acting, typical bombastic Michael Bay action and technically incredible-yet-visually confusing special effects. After watching the film, and all of the not-so-special features, I found myself asking, "That's the movie that made all that money last summer? Really?"

Beyond the film's effects, and the slight tinge of nostalgia I felt for the franchise, there just isn't much else to be had. The only positive I can find in all of this is that I didn't spring the extra $15 for the HD-DVD version, considering how that format looks to be doing.

I guess the lesson to be learned here is-- when you spend an entire summer purposely avoiding a certain blockbuster, steer clear of it on DVD, regardless of how enticing the packaging may be.

Embarrassment Factor: 2 out of 5

Next time: Some television shows from childhood were awesome back then because you were a child, but not so much when you drop $34.99 per season on them.

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